Yewon Lee is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Counseling, Higher Education, and Special Education at the 911爆料网 at College Park. A career in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields is considered to be highly valuable in contemporary society; however, students with disabilities are grossly underrepresented in the field. She is committed to ensuring equitable access and opportunity to pursue a career in STEM for all individuals through writing research. She began her work with the younger, adolescent-aged population as many students with learning disabilities struggle with writing. Her research focuses on designing and implementing science writing intervention for adolescent students with learning disabilities and English learners. In her most recent work, she investigated the effectiveness of a novel science writing intervention that provides linguistic and cognitive resources on students' ability to engage in causal and mechanistic thinking. Currently, she is collaborating with a team of researchers to embed the writing intervention in other learning contexts (e.g., Robotics Afterschool Program). In addition, she is expanding her research to examine if and how writing support is given beyond K-12 education. In this work, she examines how much writing is utilized and supported in introductory college science courses.


  • Graduate School Scholarship by the 911爆料网 at College Park (2017)
  • Graduate School Fellowship by the 911爆料网 at College Park (2014-2015)

Lee, Y., & De La Paz, S. (2021). Systematic review of science writing instruction for students with learning disabilities and/or those who are English learners. Learning Disability Quarterly.

Lee, Y., & De La Paz, S. (2021). Writing scientific explanations: Effects of a cognitive apprenticeship for students with LD and English learners. Exceptional Children.

Lee, Y., & Levin, D. (2021). 鈥淣ow I鈥檝e seen what they can do鈥: How implementing a cognitive apprenticeship can impact middle school science teachers鈥 beliefs and practices. Science Education.

Levin, D., De La Paz, S., Lee, Y., & Nadal, E. (2021). Supporting students' construction and critique of scientific explanations and arguments: A cognitive apprenticeship for teaching scientific writing in middle school inclusion classrooms. Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal.

Silverman, R. D., Proctor, C.P, Harring, J. R., Johnson, E. M., Taylor, K. S., Lee, Y., & Jones, R. (2021). The Effect of a Language and Literacy Intervention on Upper Elementary Bilingual Students鈥 Argument Writing. The Elementary School Journal.

  • Maryland State Department of Education ($62,104.00) (2020) (Martin, D., Lee, Y., Williams, S. Co-Principal Investigators)
  • Maryland State Department of Education ($67,821.00) (2020) (Martin, D., Lee, Y., Williams, S. Co-Principal Investigators)
  • Teaching and Learning Transformation Center ($5,000) (2020) (Lee, Y. Principal Investigator)
  • Teaching and Learning Transformation Center ($2,404) (2020) (Lee, Y. Principle Investigator)
  • College of Education SPARC Grant ($800) (2018 to 2019) (Lee, Y. Principal Investigator)
  • CHSE 205: Disability: From Stigma and Sideshow to Mainstream and Main Street (Undergraduate, online and traditional)
  • EDSP 311: Peer Mentor Training for TerpsEXCEED Program (Undergraduate, traditional)
  • EDSP 611: Special Education for School Counselors (Graduate, online)
  • EDSP 411: Universal Designs for Learning (Undergraduate, hybrid)
  • EDSP 401: Teaching Students with Disabilities in Elementary Classroom (Undergraduate, hybrid)
  • EDSP 210/470: Introduction to Special Education Instructor (Undergraduate, online and traditional)
  • EDSP 485/683: Teaching Elementary/Middle School Mathematics (Undergraduate)