How is Education a Force for Good?

Education as a force for good. Illustration by Jeannie Phan

EdTerps faculty and students share their thoughts on how education can transform lives and communities for the better.

鈥淲hen it is well designed and well delivered, education is a doorway into a world of possibilities for individuals from all walks of life, diverse backgrounds and all corners of the globe. Effective education expands the mind, embraces differences in experiences and perceptions, and works toward the betterment of all members of the global community.鈥 
鈥揚atricia A. Alexander Ph.D. 鈥81, Distinguished University Professor

鈥淓ducation has the power to shape future generations into strong, positive, powerful members of society. People with a good education are able to become leaders in our communities, help others and succeed in their endeavors.鈥
鈥揂lyssa Leventhal 鈥24, special education and general education certification major, human development minor

鈥淓ducation is the bedrock of democracy. Without it, people would not have the tools to effectively evaluate and question what is going on in society.鈥
鈥揕aura Mahalingappa, associate professor

鈥淓ducation reveals the ways in which we value humanity, and it is the way we humanize each other.鈥 
鈥揥illiam Ming Liu M.A. 鈥95, Ph.D. 鈥00, professor of counseling psychology and chair of the Department of Counseling, Higher Education and Special Education

鈥淓ducation empowers individuals to rewrite the trajectories of their lives and discover their true potential and values, irrespective of their background, even if rooted in adversity. I wouldn鈥檛 have been able to become who I am without all the education I received. It is indeed life changing.鈥
鈥揧i Feng, Ph.D. candidate, Quantitative Methodology: Measurement and Statistics 

鈥淓ducation sets the foundation for consciousness raising in society. If done well, it prepares individuals to be open to lifelong learning and emotional development. These factors help to cultivate a world that understands the investment in education as foundational to well-being.鈥 
鈥揝haron Fries-Britt 鈥81, Ph.D. 鈥94, Distinguished University Professor

鈥淓ducation is the force that allows us to engage with the world when exploring, navigating, validating, appreciating, honoring, expanding or questioning social perspectives, products and practices.鈥
鈥揂lejandro P茅rez Belda, assistant clinical professor 

鈥淓ducation research has the potential to touch many people. Everyone experiences learning or education in some way, whether it be home-schooling, public schools or private schools. Research related to children at young ages sets them up for a good foundation, while research that highlights teaching habits of college professors can impact the lives of adults who are on their career paths. Everything learned through education research can be used to better the lives of others.鈥
鈥揗arieh Arnett, second-year master鈥檚 student, Quantitative Methodology: Measurement and Statistics

鈥淓ducation is not a destination but a journey, a commitment to a continuous process that brings about change in others through change in ourselves. By being lifelong learners, not just within our own disciplines but regarding the ever-changing world around us, educators synergize our collective, evolving expertise to meet the dynamic needs of our fellow humanity.鈥 
鈥揋regory R. Hancock, professor, Distinguished Scholar-Teacher, director of the Quantitative Methodology: Measurement and Statistics program